The philosophy of environmental protection in Islam viewpoint

Document Type : Original Article


1 Farhangian university, Ilam, Iran.

2 Agricultural jahad, Dareshahr, Ilam, Iran.


The environmental crisis in today's world is a serious issue. Despite spending large amounts of money to establish large technical projects to achieve environmental protection, the output has not been very satisfactory. Accordingly, in recent years, it has led Islamic thinkers to the important point that apart from technical issues, the approach of applying philosophy based on religion and ethics is very helpful in facilitating this issue. In the eyes of Islam, while respecting natural resources and the environment, they consider the purpose of creation of these divine gifts to serve all beings in the world. In the leading article, two mutual attitudes about the lack of environmental protection have been discussed; The first aspect: with a religious approach, he considered the environmental crisis in not applying religious teachings, and the second aspect: with a non-religious approach, he considered religious teachings such as non-dependence and caring for the world to be the cause of unlimited use of the natural environment. are This article claims with a descriptive-analytical method and with a comparative assessment of the above two views and placing the Islamic religion as a basis; The weakening of religious teachings about natural resources, followed by the distancing of the public from these teachings, has a direct role in intensifying the environmental crisis, and the solution is to strengthen the individual and social spiritual dimension of the society in the researched issue.


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